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HWCAM reserves the right to schedule announcements at its discretion. HWCAM is not responsible for content or spelling errors. HWCAM reserves the right, as producer of the CBB, to reject or edit any message.

Commercial advertisements will not be accepted.


Local member organizations may submit public service announcements for inclusion on the Community Bulletin Board. Announcements must be of a non-personal nature and relevant to Hamilton and Wenham residents. No commercial announcements, advertising, or direct appeals for funds will be accepted (other than fund-raising events or projects.) Promotion of a for-fee service outside the scope of an organization's primary function will not be allowed. HWCAM staff will determine the eligibility of all submissions.


We are non-profit and depend on the financial support of local individuals and organizations to augment our only major source of funding. You can become a "Friend of HWCAM" by making a tax-deductible sponsorship donation. Friends receive recognition on our Community Bulletin Board and website.

One-Month Sponsorship
see Fee Schedule

Three-Month Sponsorship
see Fee Schedule

(includes a one-year business membership to HWCAM. Acknowledgment will be non-commercial in nature using the same format as public television.

Innovation Connection Community

Bulletin Board Guidelines

We reserve the right to edit the content of announcements as well as to accept or decline a request for an announcement.

Only non-profit and community organizations will be shown.

Messages should be received 10 days prior to showing.

No anonymous submissions.

Messages will air for 2 weeks or until event.

Messages should be 25 words or less.

Submit An Announcement